The Dinner & A Movie series continues with the feature documentary Sono Lino. Lino Tagliapietra is widely held as the greatest master glassblower in history, beloved by millions across the globe. He began his journey with glass at the age of 11 as a factory worker in Murano, Italy, and now at 88, he prepares for his final hot shop session while grappling with age, identity and the struggle of watching his protégés continue his legacy as his famed career comes to a close.
The film will be preceded by the short documentary Di Sarno—The Story of Emilio’s Ballato by Johannes Kroemer.
Tickets: $16, general admission; $12, members; $10 students/miliary. Information HERE.
Before the film ticket holders may receive at 10% discount on the meal portion of dinner at the Captain Kidd Restaurant and Bar, 77 Water Street, Woods Hole and the Quahog Republic Leeside Pub, 29 Railroad Ave., Woods Hole. Contact the restaurant for more information and a reservation.