Photo Credit: Laura Puopolo

Managing Your Grant

Congratulation on your award. While we are here to support you, there are a few steps you need to take. We want you to be successful.

Thank your local elected representatives. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts provides funds for the Mass Cultural Council, and the Town of Falmouth allocates funds for the Falmouth Cultural Council. Please write to them and thank them for their advocacy for the arts!

Senator Dylan Fernandes:

Representative David Vieira:

Representative Thomas Moakley:

Falmouth Select Board:

Direct Grant Program

Dream Tale Puppets

We are a Direct Grant Program. You will receive your grant award before you conduct your project.

  • Your Grant Acceptance letter lists your Council Liaison. Please keep in touch with us throughout the grant management process by emailing:

  • In order to get paid your grant award promptly, please send back your Grant Agreement & W-9 within 2 weeks of receiving your Grant Acceptance letter. We submit these documents to the town’s accountant and do not keep a copy of your W-9. If you want to send these by mail, our address is: Falmouth Cultural Council, 59 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, MA 02540. Just let your liaison know these forms are on their way:

  • Your Grant Agreement commits you to producing your grant program as specified in your application. If you need to modify how or when your project will be done, you need to request a Modification in writing. The Council will discuss and decide on your request at its next meeting.

  • Your Final Report is due 2 weeks after your project is completed. If your project is ongoing, your Final Report is due by December 15th. All projects must be completed within 18 months (July 1 through December 31 of the following year). Please keep good records. Your Final Report asks you to document the number of attendees, as well as proof that you have credited and used logos of the Falmouth Cultural Council and the Mass Cultural Council in your promotion of your project.

Promoting Your Event!

Getting the word out effectively is part of the grant process. Nothing is more disappointing than planning a great program and not having an audience!

Here are our tips for successful promotion!

  • Ask what promotion the venue does—will it include your event in its e-newsletter; promote your event on its social media; do a press release; and does the venue have its own Calendar of Events?

  • If you are a member of a local organization, ask if it will include it in an e-newsleter under Member News?

  • Send personal emails to your friends and invite them to your program. Ask them to “like” your event and share on social media. If we help each other promote arts and cultural events, all of our programs will draw more audience.

  • Let the Falmouth Cultural Council know when your event is happening so we can post on our social media, add it to our Calendar of Events, and include it in our monthly MailChimp newsletter. Please send a high resolution .jpg of your event and promotional posters to the Cultural Council’s email:

  • Get copies of the local print media (The Enterprise [Cape News], Best Bets in the Cape Cod Times. Both come out on Fridays. Send press releases and high resolution .jpgs with photo credit, and abide by their deadlines.

  • Online sites: Arts Foundation of Cape Cod will post a free event on its community calendar, HERE

  • Public Service Announcements: Falmouth Community Television, WCAI and WMVY radio

  • If you are local, put up posters a month before the event. Email us to ask where to put them around town. When in doubt, ask us for help! We want to help you succeed in getting an audience!

  • Remember to use MCC credit language, and both their logo and the FCC logo in all promotion.

  • “This program is supported in part by a grant from the (name of local cultural council[s]), a local agency[ies] which is[are] supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.”

Mass Cultural Council Logo

To download these logos, hover over the image, then hit control and click & hold and you will have the option to download. You can also email, if you want us to send you a copy. Logos should be included on all promotional material, both printed and online.

Falmouth Cultural Council Large Logo
Falmouth Cultural Council Small Logo