Our Grantee Reception

A Celebration of the Arts

The Falmouth Cultural Council held its annual community reception to celebrate the arts. We showcased all the projects that we have funded for 2024. For a complete list of Grantees, go to Grant Recipients

grantee showing children's book on compassion

Katie Lockwood, OOPS! OH NO! OUCH!

grantee describing program for grieving children in schools

Amy Wyman, Good Grief Cod Cod

Cape Verdean grantees describing cultural program

Candida Rose, in collaboration with Barbara Burgo, KabuAmericanus: The Sum of US

a grantee puppeteer with puppet

Mary Wilson’s Puppets, Paul & Mary

Davis R. Bates, storyteller

Davis R. Bates, III

theater internship

CLOC’s High School Internship Program